vrijdag 26 december 2008

Verkering en dating: een Bijbelse visie - Paul Washer

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1 opmerking:

  1. The following line of thought consists of point A through M, B following A, C following B etc.... until L following M. Hereby showing the link between Billy Graham, Henry Blackaby, and Paul Washer.
    This as a further proof of the 25 indictments, specially of indictment 6 and 25.

    A. The apostacy of Billy Graham has been documented extensively and has been available to the PUBLIC for years.http://soldierservant.wordpress.com/2007/07/15/billy-graham-apostasy-exposed/http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/graham/general.htmhttp://www.amazon.com/Billy-Graham-His-Friends-Hidden/dp/1891117173

    B, Dr. Henry Blackaby in 2009 will be one of the mainspeakers at the Fresh Encounter Conference with also Anne Graham Lotz and Wil Graham.http://www.blackaby.org/FreshEncounter/

    C. Dr. Henry Blackaby in 2009 teaches at the Billy Graham Training Centre at the Cove of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)http://www.billygraham.org/DMag_Article.asp?ArticleID=850http://www.thecove.org/Assets/Media/2009%20Cove%20Ministry%20Schedule.pdf

    D. Dr. Henry Blackaby has been Honorary Chair of NDP 2006 (National Day of Prayer in the USA.http://www.blackaby.org/ndp.asphttp://kmc.crosswalk.com/news/religiontoday/1389535/page1/http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ppt_prayerforamerica&printer_friendly=1http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/05/20060504-2.html

    E. Dr. Henry Blackaby is well known of his leadership training, has written a book on it with Ken Blanchard, who also was key-speaker at Willow Creek Leadershipconference and joined himself to the Secret-message.http://www.audible.com/adbl/site/products/ProductDetail.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0135091836.1231656636@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccckadegegmedjlcefecekjdffidfmf.0&productID=BK_OASI_000103http://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Leadership-Moving-People-Agenda/dp/0805418458http://www.kenblanchard.com/http://www.ccn.tv/programming/event/evt_29apr04.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willow_Creek_Association

    F. Paul Washer in his popular 'shocking youth message' 2002 says in minute 37 -38 that 'Billy Graham is one of the kindest, loviest men,....'. This although the apostacy of Billy Graham already in 2002 had been extensively documented (regarding his message, regarding his love for Rome,...). Yet Paul Washer has used this shocking youthmessage to promote himself and be promoted knowing very well what he says in this message regarding Billy Graham.http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=uuabITeO4l8

    G. Both Dr. Henry Blackaby as Paul Washer know the information available on the apostacy of Billy Graham as it has been PUBLICLY available on the internet for years Yet Paul Washer promotes himself with the shocking youthmessage of 2002 with a remark by which everyone will conclude Billy Graham his brother, and Dr. Henry Blackaby teaches at the Cove of BGEA and has a conference in 2009 with members of the Graham-family.

    H. Paul Washer joins Dr. Henry Blackaby as one of the main speakers in Revival Conference 2008 Atlanta.http://revivalconference.eventbrite.com/http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=x_r-bGk8KG8http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=p4ZE8Z_a70s

    I. After the National Day of Prayer in 2006 with Dr. Henry Blackaby as chairman, in 2008 the pope of Rome is welcomed by president Bush as a 'minister of the Gospel' in the White House.http://www.uspapalvisit.org/

    J. Paul Washer is under leadership of his minister Jeff Noblit of Grace Life Baptist Church at Muscle Scoals, so the PUBLIC witness of Paul Washer with Dr. Henry Blackaby is also the PUBLIC witness of Mr. Jeff Noblit as a priest is known by his people.

    K. The remarks of Paul Washer in his 10 indictment message saying the book of Revelation will be clear at the Second Coming, the discussion arminianism calvinism is NOT important, and the church is the remnant, also reflect on his minister Jeff Noblit. The remark on Billy Graham in his shocking youthmessage of 2008, and the current connection between BGEA, Dr. Henry Blackaby, and Paul Washer Dr. Henry Blackaby also reflect on Jeff Noblit.

    L. Paul Washer joins himself to Kirk Cameron, THE actor of the Left Behind Series, of which the book series have been on the top list of sold books.http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2001_Jan_9/ai_68916115

    M. Paul Washer endorses arminian teachers or arminian inclined teachers as Wesley, Finney, and Tozer. As arminianism has been judged by the Bride of Christ as a false gospel in the Synods of Dordt and Westminster (who witnessed Calvinism to be the THE Gospel, as Spurgeon would after them), and the road to Rome. Paul Washer shows where he stand, knowing the persecution of the calvinists by Bishop Laud in former days in England.http://www.apuritansmind.com/Arminianism/AugustusToplady%20RoadToRome.htmhttp://www.answers.com/topic/william-laud

    Conclusions: If Paul Washer in 2008 joins Dr. Henry Blackaby as one of the main speakers at the Revival Conference Atlanta 2008, knowing the PUBLICLY documented apostacy of Billy Graham, knowing Dr. Henry Blackaby teaches at BGEA and has in 2009 a conference with members of the Graham-family,
    it follows:
    - that all his remarks against the message of Billy Graham have been a show
    - his messages on being different from the world, bearing good fruit, and the narrow way, have all been an invention of his own brain, as he joins with Dr. Henry Blackaby in a revival conference 2008 who is loved by the world for his leadership wisdom, bears bad fruit, and is on the broad way of all false christianity has to offer. Thereby also showing that the revivalmessage these men bring is a false message NOT blessed by God, but only by flattery, big words, and puffing up mortal men.
    - his remark about the non-importance of the discussion arminianism calvinism is understandable in light of his own advantage- his connection to Dr. Henry Blackaby in a revivalconference shows that Paul Washer has no discernment between false and true teachers, and therefore is a blind guide
    - as Dr. Blackaby is high in the world (being praised by president Bush, high in management wisdom, many connections with false christianity (for example BGEA, the Graham family, and the NDP), this also shows out of what spirit Mr. Washer is born, as those who are friends and brothers will join in prayers and activities.
    - the remarks Paul Washer makes against the Roman Catholic Church are only a show, as Dr. Henry Blackaby prays in 2006 with president Bush, who in 2008 invites the pope of Rome as a 'minister of the Gospel'. Paul Washer joins Dr. Henry Blackaby in 2008 as speaker at the Revival Conference Atlanta.
    - the so called 'calvinism' of Paul Washer and Jeff Noblit is only empty eloquence, because in practice they deny it in its truth and its practical consequences, thereby also denying the Author who gave that Gospel, and all those who have preached, lived, and died that Gospel (for example Spurgeon) !
    - it confirms my conclusion regarding the Dutch connection of Paul Washer in a tour May June 2008, that thereby Paul Washer showed that although in word he calls for true christianity (with his own inventions and words), in practice he denies it by joining with those who ARE false superficial christianity !
    - if Billy Graham is a 33 degree freemason, all who join him (and those who are connected to him) are also suspected. In October 2009 Dr. Henry Blackaby and associate are expected to speak in the Netherlands at a Heartcry.nl conference.http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Misc/billy.ht
